Sunday, April 11, 2010

The "Fire"

This came from a bible study by Beth Moore. She talks about our life and death situations we have to deal with. God answers them His way:

He may deliver you from the fire: our faith is built
He may deliver you through the fire: our faith is refined
He may deliver you by the fire: straight into his arms

All three of these answers are great, aren't they?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mark 6:56

Wherever He went - in villages and cities and out on the farms-they laid the sick in the market plazas and streets. The sick begged him to let them at least touch the fringe of His robe, and all who touched it were healed. Mark 6:56

Another Gift

This is another gift that I received from my dear friend that I've had since the 6th grade. She sent this to me in the mail and I was so excited to get it. I hope to be a help and a blessing to others in the future like so many were to me when I was going through this journey.
When my church family found out that I was going to have chemo and radiation in 08' the ladies immediately signed up to bring us meals. I received gifts of blankets, p.j.'s, books, figurines, flowers, lotion, jewelry, and am still receiving money for my treatments at the Moore Family Clinic. (IV's) One lady at my church makes quilts and she made one for me and had a lot of the church members sign a "get well wish" for me on each square. Now you talk about precious. It was beautiful.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oat Waffles

Preheat waffle iron on medium setting.

Whiz the following in the blender until smooth:

2 1/2 cold water
2 c. oats
2 T nuts or seeds
1/2 t salt
1/2 t vanilla
1 T honey

Pour about 1 cup of batter into reheated, oiled or sprayed waffle iron, leaving a little space around the edges. The batter will squish out to the edges when the top is closed. Do not overfill.

Cook about 8-10 minutes without peeking? These waffles are steam raised. They freeze very well and are so tasty. I put honey drizzled on top and eat (or scarf down).

Luke 4:40

As the sun went down that evening, people throughout the village brought sick family members to Jesus. No matter what their diseases were, the touch of his hand healed every one. Luke 4:40

web sites

I received a web site from my son about using air-conditioning in your car. It talks about the harms of it and the cancer-causing agents. The web site is There is another web site that you can order the DVD that I told you about and it's: That's the web site that you can order a very informative DVD about the diet plan for cancer, "You Can't Improve on God". She has other DVD's about other diseases too if you are interested. If you live nearby and want to watch my DVD you are welcomed to borrow it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sweet Friends & Precious Gifts

This picture was given to me by my friend I told you about earlier who had the dream about the cheribum. After I received the wonderful news of my PET scan showing my cancer was going away she bought me this sign. When she gave it to me she said it reminded her of me when she saw it. It looks so pretty on my wall above where I sit at the computer. I have such wonderful friends.


God has blessed me today. I went walking with a friend of mine this morning and we came across a lady who had been healed of a crooked leg. She said she use to be in a wheelchair and during a prayer service at her church her leg became straight. She was beaming with joy as she told her testimony. I got to share with her and another lady that was walking my testimony of healing. I left there and went to Walmart. Checking out I got to share my testimony with the cashier. She was delighted to hear such wonderful news. I came home and got a phone call from a lady who use to be in our bible studies. I hadn't talk to her in over a year. She was having health problems and I got to share with her about the food I was eating. Coincidence? I think not.....God is everywhere and I'm so glad he is.

Prayer Service

One Sunday night in July of last year my church family had a prayer service for myself and some other people who needed prayer. We had had a service like this for a young man who had cancer years ago. The next day he had a doctor's appointment and his doctor couldn't find anything on the tests. Praise God. So when I found out my cancer had come back I wanted to have a prayer service for myself. There was a man at church who had a hole in his stomach and had just gotten out of ICU with it. He had a feeding tube put in and was wearing it during the prayer service. We all prayed individually for him and on his next appointment with the doctor the hole was not there anymore. Praise God! He was healed...My church family prayed for me also, and God didn't answer their prayers for me like He did for the man, but He did answer them in His way and on His time table. I went through a spiritual journey with my disease and He made me a better person because of it. Praise God! He healed me not immediately but He did heal me. Praise God!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I have been able to tell some ladies about my journey in the last two days. One was at the Vo-Tech yesterday where I had to take my grandson for a test for his drivers permit, and at the beauty shop where I got my hair cut. Today I got to tell the barber lady who cut my grandson's hair. I love being able to talk about God to others and all the great things He has done for me all these years. I found out the lady who cut my hair goes to my church, she goes to 2nd service and I go to the first. Out paths have never crossed. The lady at the Vo-Tech was there with her daughter who also home schools and we know a lot of the same people. The lady barber gave me a big hug before we left and told me she was glad we came in and was glad to hear such inspiring news. She was so sweet.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


If you have cancer a good thing to do is:
quote scripture of healing,
laugh out loud- LOL,
bless your food,
and exercise daily - walking 30 mins.
It's good medicine.

July 17, 2009

Isa 40:31 - But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength,
They shall mount up with wings like eagles
They shall run & not be weary
They shall walk and not faint

Ps 6:2 - Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak
O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled.

Isa 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you
Be not dismayed for I am your God
I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you
I will uphold you with My righteous hand.

I praise God for His words to us...

from my journal 17 August 2009