Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Good Thing

If you have an illness, I believe going thru the scriptures and praying what others in the bible have said while asking Jesus for healing is a good thing. What I mean is: A leper told Jesus that he believed Jesus could heal him if He wanted to. I would pray: Lord, I know you can heal me if you want to, and I believe you want to because you healed everyone in the New Testament who believed you could heal. Another lady who had been bleeding for years reached out and touched Jesus garment. She had faith that just by touching his garment she would be healed, so I would pray and tell Jesus that if He were standing infront of me, I would reach out and touch His garment, because I have the faith I would be healed too. The bible is full of healing scriptures to meditate on - what a blessing and it sure draws you closer to Him.

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